Hi My Name Is

This will serve as the introduction/orientation for my blog. I don't intend for this blog to be as narcissistic as most, but I figure some readers might like to know a little about me.

I am just your average WASP drone in the tech sector. The point of this blog is for me to have a place to post my ideas and reflections (and yes, I'm sure occasionally rants too) usually concerning topics related to science (especially around the edges), philosophy, writing and the future.

Ideas are what tickle me. Philosophy and engineering courses were always my favorite in college. I like to think in terms of concepts and logic. My challenge is usually following through on those ideas and working to give them form in reality. My ideal job would be one where I come up with great ideas and concepts and someone else implements them.

Please don't judge my writing potential by what I post here... my opinion is this is an informal venue and the writing style I will employ here will typically be loose and casual.

Since I obviously do have interests and I am not completely apathetic, the obvious question is, "why the blog title?" The answer is that I am not enthusiastic about work and life in general most of the time. I don't see that my efforts up to this point in my life have really amounted to what I'd hoped for, and I am realistic that I am a single voice among six and a half billion others. I am the very case study of the individual swimming aimlessly in the long tail.

This is your life, and it's ending one second at a time.

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