Checkers Solved - Are All Games Deterministic?

BBC News reports that the game Americans call checkers has been "solved" by brute force by computers. It is now not possible for the computer to lose at checkers, and if the human opponent plays perfectly the result would always be a draw.

One thing I sorely missed out on in college and have not allowed myself the time to get up to speed on is game theory, so be forewarned that the below may be a naive/easy question:

Are all games based on logic (i.e. a rigid set of rules) necessarily deterministic? The article mentioned above explains at the end how much harder it will be to solve chess, so obviously someone has done the work to decide that chess is solvable. But is it possible to create a game similar to checkers or chess that is not solvable?

My suspicion is the answer to that question is already known and straightforward, and I've just missed a whole vein of interesting topics in my education. If anyone out there knows - please enlighten me.

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